Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tell Us This is Just a Phase...

The many faces of Lucas Dean.

So, Lucas is now 27 months old and he's been running us through the ringer lately. On bad days, he pushes us away, pointing to the other end of the room and shouting, "Go!", but mysteriously clings onto us and won't go down for a nap in the afternoon or to sleep at night (unless we're laying down next to him). Does he want us to go away or does he always want us by his side? I thought teenagers were supposed to send these kinds of mixed messages. Not 2-year-olds. In the end, we have decided to relax and not stress out too much about this new "phase." Seems like we just need to pay him even more attention right now and dig a little deeper into our storage of patience. All I'll say, is he's lucky he's so cute.

The rainy weekend presented an opportunity to head to one of our favorite haunts, the Minnesota Children's Museum. We met up with Karen's friend Worm from college along with her family (husband Mike and their daughters Ryan and Taylor) and Brian, Kristy and Ingrid Rolig. Good times were had by all and we were in and out of there before it got too crowded to move.

Our little Picasso during his "Purple Phase."
Notice the kitty nose and whiskers on his face?

Playing in the "Tot Spot," a pool that has ping pong balls and a maze of plastic tubes. He loved it. To his right is his friend Taylor.

Last weekend, we all headed up to Alexandria to the Rolig cabin. Jay, Brain and Jack put in the dock just before the torrential downpour. It's exciting to think the cabin is open for business. We look forward to many days there this summer. Pretty sure if we're looking for Lucas, he'll be down on the beach digging in the sand.

Fireside at the cabin with cousin Ingrid. I think they're gonna be lifelong pals.

They can't get enough of each other.


  1. Oh man. The terrible twos (which I understand is from about 2 to 5) sounds so sad. I am so bummed that one day Jack will push me away and tell me to "go". Hang in there! He is so darn cute. Love the pics with his cousin. :)

  2. awww Lisa...just wait! So sad, yet sometimes so funny, when he insists we "go" and points us in a different direction from him. Such a little decisive, independent mind! BTW...I decided we are definitely coming to LA as a whole family next March for spring break. I know it's a year away(can't blame me for being eagar) but we are hoping to stay with you, John and Jack if you'll have us! I've caught up on your blog too...It's hard to think Jack is so "old." So cute, a little jealous of the Jack and Violet playdates! Wish we were there!
